commonwealth station

Andy Videkovich            859-331-8980            e-mail    

In August 2012, the City of Erlanger appointed a steering committee comprised of stakeholders to implement new form-based zoning regulations along Commonwealth Avenue on the east side of I-71/75. The City of Erlanger recognizes the potential for redevelopment in the project area and it is the desire of the City Council to establish a vision for future development by examining and utilizing input from property owners, stakeholders, and general public in an effort to better market the area for development proposals which will better utilize the land to its highest and best use. The City of Erlanger signed a contract with NKAPC to facilitate the process of drafting and adopting the new regulations.

For more information, please review the links provided below:

2015 Updates

Attachment A - Text Amendment for the Commonwealth Station as recommended for approval by the Kenton County Planning Commission

Attachment B - Text Amendment for the Commonwealth Station as recommended for approval by the Kenton County Planning Commission

Attachment C - Map Amendment for the Commonwealth Station as recommended for approval by the Kenton County Planning Commission

2014 Updates

Working Draft

Public Forum

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Summaries Archives


10-09-2012  Meeting Cancelled


12-11-2023 Public Meeting

12-11-12 Design Team Alternatives








Meeting Materials Archives




12-11-2023 Public Meeting

12-11-2023 Design Team Presentation



02-19-2013 City Council Meeting


03-12-2023 Meeting Materials


04-09-2024 Meeting Materials


05-14-2013  Meeting Materials

09-10-2024 Public Meeting Draft

09-10-2024 Comment Cards

09-10-2024 Post-It Comments

Commonwealth Station Comments Archives

The Steering Committee met in October to address the comments received at the September open house. The below PDF lists all the comments received and how each comment has been addressed. There were several changes made based on the comments received, including the modification of the overall project boundary to remove the single-family homes along Congress, Liberty, and Talbot from the overall project area.

The proposed regulations will be presented to the City’s Economic Development Committee on December 17, 2023 at 6:30 pm. The draft that will be presented to the City Council can also be found below. We hope that you plan to attend to show your support.

Thank you again for your participation and interest in the Commonwealth Station project. These regulations would not be possible without you!

Open House Comments

Project Boundary

11-04-2024 Draft 

Community Videos