Cities operate daily mostly through ordinances. An ordinance is an official and permanent action of Erlanger's City Council that may be punishable by civil or criminal penalty if violated. The City Clerk must maintain all ordinances in a minute book. They are also indexed or codified in a code of ordinances (arranged into a systematic collection). The City of Erlanger codifies their ordinances at the end of each calendar year.
The link to access our codified ordinances is unavailable at this time. We are in the process of doing an audit. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 859-727-2525. Thank you.
Please Note: Ordinances are not official until they have been passed by council and have been published by law in the Kentucky Enquirer.
Ordinances that have had their first reading but have not been voted on by Council - These are DRAFT ordinances:
Viox Road Map Amendment - DRAFT
Ordinances that had their first reading, but were not introduced for a second reading and were revised into contracts instead:
City Council Attorney Employee Attachment A
City Attorney Non-Elected Public Official Attachment A
City Funding Expenditures for Attorneys
Ordinances that have had their second reading and have been voted on by Council:
You can view or print these recently passed ordinances listed below. These ordinances are in effect, but have not yet been codified.
Ordinance No. 2390 KY Residential Code Revision
Ordinance No. 2391 2012 International Gas Code
Ordinance No. 2392 Repeal 911 Fee
Ordinance No. 2393 Landlord License Fee
Ordinance No. 2394 Code of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 2395 Personnel Pay and Classification Attachment
Ordinance No. 2396 Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Amended Budget Attachment
Ordinance No. 2397 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget Attachment
Ordinance No. 2398 Amended Nuisance Ordinance
Ordinance No. 2399 Indoor Athletic and Recreational Zone Change Request Attachment
Ordinance No. 2400 Amended Rental Property
Ordinance No. 2401 NFPA 1 Uniform Fire Code Attachment
Ordinance No. 2402 EMS Billing
Ordinance No. 2403 Parking Citation Hearing Officer
Ordinance No. 2404 Cable Franchise Attachment
Ordinance No. 2405 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Tax Rates
Ordinance No. 2406 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget Amendment Attachment
Ordinance No. 2407 Zoning Change Request (482 Erlanger Road)
Ordinance No. 2408 Amending Zoning Ord # 1850
Ordinance No. 2409 Scheduling of Regular Council Meetings
Ordinance No. 2410 Commonwealth Station Text Amendment Attachment A Attachment B
Ordinance No. 2411 Commonwealth Station Map Amendment Attachment C
Ordinance No. 2412 Pet Hotel
Ordinance No. 2413 Amended Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Attachment
Ordinance No. 2414 Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Attachment
Ordinance No. 2415 Text Amendment - Variety Stores
Ordinance No. 2416 Amending Pay Ordinance No. 2356
Ordinance No. 2417 Amending Previous Budget Ordinances
Ordinance No. 2418 Amended Nuisance
Ordinance No. 2419 Mayor's Termination Authority
Ordinance No. 2420 Hospital Zoning Amendment
Ordinance No. 2421 2015-2016 Tax Rates