General Government
Welcome to the City of Erlanger's General Government Department, located off of Interstate 75 at 505 Commonwealth Avenue. Normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Several offices make up the General Government Department; Mayor and Council, City Administrator, Office of the City Clerk/Administration, Economic Development, Finance, Parks and Recreation, and Information Systems. Many services are available to the public, including; processing passports, notarizing documents, and handling records requests. The General Government Department works diligently to make Erlanger a well administered, developed, and fiscally sound community.
Mission Statement
"Performing Collectively to Provide Exemplary Services for Our Community with Integrity and Pride"
Photo Gallery
Erlanger's Form of Government
Erlanger has a Mayor-Council form of government. There are twelve elected Council Members who serve a two year term. The Council Members are divided into pairs to serve on six different standing committees; Administration, Friendship City Networking, Finance, Fire/EMS, Police, and Public Works. These men and women also serve on other committees, as well as serving as representatives of Erlanger on several different Boards and Commissions.
The Mayor is an elected official who serves a four year term.
The City Administrator is an appointed position and is responsible for the daily operations of Erlanger. The Administrator reports to the Mayor.
Three Branches of Government
City Government is the government closest to the people. The next level would be state government, with federal government being the highest.
There are three branches of government; executive, legislative, and judicial. The executive branch has administrative or managerial duties. The legislative branch makes or enacts laws. The judicial branch relates to judgement or judging.
In city government, the executive branch is the Mayor and the legislative branch is the Council Members.
In state government, the executive branch is the Governor. The legislative branch is the State Senators and the State Representatives. State Representatives and Senators are assigned districts. Erlanger is divided into three Senate Districts and two House Districts. The judicial branch is the Kentucky Court of Justice.
In federal government, the executive branch is the President. The legistative branch is Congress or the U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives. The judicial branch is the U.S. Supreme Court.
Government Laws
Local or City Government has four different types of legislation that can be passed. They are: Ordinances, Municipal Orders, Executive Orders, and Resolutions.
An ordinance is an official action of a city legislative body. It has the force of law within the boundaries. This is a permanent law.
A Municipal Order is also an official act of a city legislative body. It can be used instead of an ordinance in certain situations: Matter relating to the internal operation and function of the city and to appoint or remove members of boards, commissions, and other agencies under the city's control. Municipal Orders are less formal and detailed than ordinances.
An Executive Order is the same as a Municipal Order but it is passed by the executive authority of the city, not the legislative.
A Resolution is an informal document that expresses the legislative body's opinion, will or policy on a matter of ministerial business.