2010 u.s. census - Everyone counts
Dave Hahn 505 Commonwealth Avenue (859) 727-2525, #1 pdhahn@ci.erlanger.ky.us
The United States government is conducting their 2010 Census. All residents should be receiving a Census Questionnaire in the mail during the month of March, 2010. We are urging ALL residents to complete this questionnaire and return it. Responses provided on the questionnaire should represent your household as of April 1, 2010, Census Day. All responses are confidential.
Why should you participate in the Census? It is your community's voice in government. The census is an important count of everyone who lives in the United States. On a more local level, it is a count of everyone who lives in Erlanger. The Census determines the distribution of government funding for important community services that many in Erlanger rely on. It generates jobs across the U.S., which is very important to our many Erlanger residents who have lost their jobs since the decline in our economy. The Census also decides the number of seats that Kentucky occupies in the U. S. House of Representatives. Why is this important? After the 2000 Census, Kentucky lost one U.S. Representative seat due to not enough residents completing their questionnaires and mailing them back in. That is one less person fighting for Kentucky on a national level.
For more information, please review this Census fact sheet.